In memory of Ken Voget
“May the birds whisper his name”
Ken Voget, our dear friend and colleague, passed away on December 6, 2020. Upon the request of his wife, we created the Ken Voget Memorial Fund to pass on his legacy of bird conservation, bird banding, and conservation education. Ken served in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Refuge system throughout his career, where he established himself as a critical partner in bird conservation in Nevada, and managed some of our most important natural resources. After he retired, he worked at GBBO’s Truckee River migration banding station as a master bander and a beloved teacher of banding and birding skills.
The Ken Voget Memorial Fund will dedicate 100% of its donations to a program designed to teach Nevada’s bird enthusiasts with the goal of recruiting future bird banders and, thus, continue Ken’s legacy of teaching banders and deepening their understanding of bird conservation in Nevada.
We encourage all donors to leave their thoughts and memories of Ken, along with their donation, which we will keep as a public tribute to Ken as part of this Memorial Fund.

Fall 2023 Banding Workshop
On September 23-24, GBBO hosted our 2nd banding workshop at McCarran Ranch with funds raised from the Ken Voget Memorial Fund. It was slow first day, but things ramped up during day 2 and everyone had a chance to handle birds! Species banded during the workshop were Lincoln’s Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Bewick’s Wren, Orange-crowned Warbler, and Audubon’s Warbler. Thank you to all of our supporters and workshop attendees. We are looking forward to the next one!
-Kayla Henry

Spring 2023 Banding Workshop
On May 13-14, 2023, GBBO hosted a banding workshop at McCarran Ranch geared towards undergrads and young professionals. This workshop was made possible by the Ken Voget Memorial Fund.
All participants got the chance to handle and release birds. In total, we had 21 new bands and 16 recaptures! Species banded during the workshop were Yellow-breasted Chat, Red-winged Blackbird, Song Sparrow, House Wren, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Bushtit, Wilson’s Warbler, and Lesser Goldfinch. The warblers wowed, the impressively small Bushtit and Lesser Goldfinch drew smiles, and the Yellow-breasted Chat was a special treat. We had as much fun as the participants and can’t wait until next time!
-Ned Bohman