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Available Positions

Pinyon-juniper habitat by Paul Raucci

Avian Research Technician

FOUR (4) AVIAN RESEARCH TECHNICIANS needed for songbird and habitat surveys in Nevada's backcountry between April 28 and July 16, 2025 for Great Basin Bird Observatory. Partial season appointments possible, but not preferred. End-of-season extensions for data processing possible. Work schedule will be 10 days on, 4 days off.

Duties include bird surveys via point counts and area searches, vegetation surveys, setting up field cameras and automated recording units, and data processing.

Learn more: Avian Research Technician

 Volunteer Opportunities

Pinyon Jay volunteers/ photo credit: Audubon Southwest

Pinyon Jay Community Science

With a free user account and a free phone app, you can head out into the field to collect Pinyon Jay data. Records contributed by community scientists will help us to learn more about Pinyon Jay habitat and conservation needs.

Contact for more info

Visit the Pinyon Jay Community Science Hub to get involved!